“Tribes” by Seth Godin is a self-help book that teaches you how to create and lead your own tribe, a group united by a leader and a shared idea. Godin believes that the internet has made it easier than ever to build and lead a tribe. He’s a renowned author, entrepreneur, and marketing expert known for his book “Purple Cow,” which promotes standing out in business. “Tribes” focuses on developing exceptional ideas and spreading them to the right people to make your vision a reality.

This summary is divided into three parts:

1. Understanding Tribes: Godin defines a tribe as a group connected by a leader, a belief, and a sense of community. These tribes can form both in-person and online, from fan clubs to small businesses.

2. Leading Your Tribe: Educational psychologist Bruce Tuckman’s model of group formation explains how tribes come together. It consists of stages like forming, storming, norming, and performing. The leader’s role changes as the tribe evolves, eventually fostering a self-sufficient group.

3. Key Takeaways: Tribes, driven by shared beliefs and visions, can be harnessed in the digital age. By understanding and applying Tuckman’s group formation model, you can lead and nurture your own tribe effectively. Unlike goal-oriented teams, tribes have no clear endpoint, making leadership an ongoing journey.

Key Points from “Tribes” by Seth Godin

Tribes Are Built on Beliefs: Godin emphasizes that tribes are founded on shared beliefs, whether about sports, religion, or social causes. The common belief unites members and creates a sense of belonging, a tradition that dates back to our earliest history.

Partisan Motivation in Tribes: Tribes are inherently partisan, seeing themselves as the “in-group” while others are the “out-group.” Partisanship is not necessarily negative; it fuels motivation by making members feel special and committed to achieving their specific goals.

Natural Human Partisanship: Humans are naturally inclined to support those within their group and oppose those in other groups. This drive is rooted in human psychology and can range from pride in one’s tribe to more contentious conflicts in various contexts.

Beware of Dogma: While tribes are motivated by shared beliefs, rigid rules can hinder innovation and growth. Godin cautions against allowing beliefs to become dogmatic and inflexible.

Rules vs. Freedom: Rules are not inherently bad; they ensure safety and consistency in many situations. However, in tribes where innovation and growth are essential, a “freedom and responsibility” approach is encouraged. Members have the freedom to make decisions but must take responsibility for the outcomes, even facing expulsion if necessary.

In essence, “Tribes” by Seth Godin explores how shared beliefs and motivated partisanship drive the formation and success of tribes while cautioning against the stifling effects of rigid rules, advocating instead for a balance between freedom and responsibility.

1. Leadership in the Age of Tribes: Seth Godin argues that in our digitally connected world, there are more tribes than ever before. These tribes need leaders to inspire and guide them. The shortage of leaders is not just technological but also societal.

2. Acolytes and Apostates: Godin distinguishes between acolytes and apostates. Acolytes are followers who conform and do as they’re told, while apostates are those who break away from the norm to lead change. Real leadership, according to Godin, emerges from apostates who challenge the status quo.

3. Embracing Opportunity and Risk: Leaders are encouraged to challenge the status quo. This involves searching for opportunities to make positive changes within their tribe and being willing to take risks. Celebrating successes and learning from failures are crucial aspects of this journey.

4. Society Creates Acolytes: Godin suggests that modern education and workplaces encourage conformity and discourage thinking outside the box. Schools often focus on conformity and memorization, while companies may seek inexpensive labor that complies with instructions.

5. Overcoming Low Self-Esteem: Low self-esteem can hinder individuals from becoming leaders. Norman Peale’s “The Power of Positive Thinking” offers guidance on boosting self-esteem by addressing the root causes and replacing negative thoughts with confident ones.

6. Building a Tribe: In the internet age, creating a tribe has become more accessible. A shared interest and a means of communication, often facilitated by the internet, are the prerequisites for forming a tribe. However, the ease of creating tribes also has downsides, as it can lead to extremism and echo chambers.

7. Transforming Existing Tribes: Rather than starting from scratch, visionary leaders can revitalize existing tribes that have lost momentum. This can involve injecting new energy and ideas to achieve the tribe’s original vision.

8. Size vs. Connection in Tribes: Godin emphasizes that the size of a tribe is not as important as the connection within it. A small group of passionate members is more valuable than a large but disengaged following. Growing your tribe is more about improving the connections and allowing passionate members to recruit others.

9. People Share Their Passions: Passionate members of a tribe play a crucial role in spreading ideas and recruiting new members. Their personal connections make them effective advocates for the tribe’s vision.

10. Enhancing Communication: Effective tribes maintain various forms of communication, including leader to members, members to leader, member to member, and member to outsider. Convenient and open two-way communication is essential to improve the tribe’s effectiveness.

Overall, “Tribes” by Seth Godin highlights the importance of leadership in today’s world of connected tribes. Leaders can challenge the status quo, motivate followers, and bring about positive change within their communities.

Leading Fearlessly and Overcoming Obstacles

Seth Godin emphasizes the importance of fearless leadership and being unafraid to step off the conventional path. True leaders are trailblazers and may appear unconventional to others. To be an effective leader, you must be unwavering in your commitment to your vision.

Godin doesn’t offer specific strategies to conquer the fear of others’ opinions. Marcus Aurelius’s “Meditations” provides wisdom in this regard, suggesting that you can’t control what others think, and their thoughts can’t harm you. What others think is not your responsibility or problem. Instead, your duty is to wholeheartedly lead your tribe and fulfill your vision.

Don’t Hold Yourself Back

Many individuals wait for the perfect conditions to start leading, such as having the right education, funding, or support. Godin contends that waiting is counterproductive. The key is to take action and get started without the need for significant resources or permissions. All you require is a clear vision and the determination to pursue it.

Just Begin Somewhere

Mark Manson’s “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck” echoes this sentiment. When faced with a challenging task or a major change, the advice is simple: just start somewhere. You don’t need an entirely mapped-out plan, all the necessary skills, or abundant resources. Find a small step that brings you closer to your goal and take it.

Manson highlights several advantages of this approach:

  1. Achieving a small goal, even if it’s just taking some action, can boost your motivation to work toward your larger objective.
  2. Taking that initial step gets your mind engaged with the problem, often revealing solutions.
  3. It helps you identify where you’re encountering difficulties, enabling you to address those weaknesses.

This same approach can be applied to building a tribe. Start the journey, expect challenges, and use them as opportunities to learn and grow.

I’m Burak

I’m founder and director of The Digital Agency; a certified Google Partner and Shopify Partner digital marketing agency operating in London and Istanbul. The Digital Agency has a solid track record of delivering high growth in eCommerce, Facebook & Google advertising, social media communication, search engine optimization, eCommerce and website production through 16 years of experience with 140 brands in 500 projects. Visit The Digital Agency here